Labor Day is a great holiday. It comes at a fantastic time of year, although fall is still six (6) weeks or so away from San Antonio, Texas :-). Football season is here, however, so it feels like autumn is coming!
In 1894, Grover Cleveland declared the Labor Day holiday and signed it into law. This came after decades of poor working conditions and ultimately a protest and revolt by American workers, demanding improvements in working conditions, compensation and ultimately an improvement in work-life balance.
I’ve had the good fortune and headache of remodeling several homes over the last few years. These were not for flipping or profit; rather for our own use. Through each of these remodels, my appreciation for skilled and unskilled labor grew. We were able to watch variety of skills working their magic in our home. Even though I can get by with the little knowledge in some of the skills it takes to remodel a home, when you see professional skilled labor at work, you realize that there is so much you don’t know and that the work product of my labor isn’t even close to that of a professional.
I have my brisket on the smoker today celebrating this Labor Day. I want to pay tribute and celebrate all the hard workers that have helped build this great country and continue to do so. I am fortunate to have eighteen (18) team members in our small company all working and helping to grow the company. I thank each and everyone of them and hope that they also take the time today to celebrate Labor day as well!