By now, everyone that made New Year’s resolutions are into the first week of their quest to make changes in their lives. Just before the holidays, we had some friends over and played a game involving New Year’s resolutions. We actually sat in a circle around a fire and had everyone write secretly on a sticky note the “one” thing they would like to accomplish or change in their life for 2019. We then mixed all the sticky notes up and had everyone draw one from the pile. We read them aloud in a circle without telling each other the owner of each of the resolutions.
We then had the opportunity to actually go around that same circle and choose/steal a resolution from someone that you heard that sounded good.
It was an interesting exercise and actually brought more ideas that I should focus on for 2019. The resolution I submitted was to try to exercise (yes I know, it’s hard for me) at least five times per week. This should not be a stretch, but it just seems to be something that I don’t make a priority in my life.
After we read and swapped all of the resolutions, it was interesting that most of them were things that I actually should work on and strive for in 2019 and beyond. It also provided us the opportunity to encourage each other when we finally revealed who had submitted each of the various resolutions.
I have read and seen the statistics on how quickly and often that people break their resolutions. Many of them have to do with health and fitness. I even heard preachers ranting and even ‘fat shaming’ people that make these fitness resolutions and break them so quickly in the gym.
I know I personally want to encourage my family and friends to strive to achieve their resolutions. I certainly appreciate the encouragement from those same individuals for me. Whatever you had for a New year’s resolutions, I hope and pray you are able to keep them and make them a part of your life for 2019 and beyond.