In the year of 2020, many may feel there aren’t a lot of reasons to be thankful. Covid-19 hit the world hard, forcing many businesses to close and many families to experience loss. Covid-19 impacted everyone. While 2020 will go down as the one of the worst years in history, at MTS we are still thankful for many different things.
"I am thankful for today. The moment I woke up I was already blessed with everything I need for this upcoming day and far more than I could ever deserve. I have my family and their health to rejoice, as well as countless opportunities to make an impact by supporting colleagues and clients as they provide care for our communities.” Andrew Herman
"I am thankful for family! In this crazy year we have come to realize the importance of spending more time with our families, whether it be in person via driveway visits or by computer/phone video chatting. We have reconnected and been brought back to what is most valuable to us - family!” Carol Sheridan
"I am thankful for closed and opened doors, the opportunity to learn new things, extra time with my family, and the Aggies doing well at football.” Diane Morris
"I am thankful that even during these times of Quarantine and isolation, I have become closer to family both remotely and within my own household. Even in the darkest of times, family provides both the light and hope that all will return to normal...or whatever ‘normal’ becomes.” John Sheehan
"I am thankful for the MTS team and the opportunity to work with them through the uncertainty that comes with Covid-19. I am also thankful for my family and the light they have given me in these difficult times.” Megan Lazaga
"For me, I am thankful to be alive, after having quadruple bypass on January 4th 2020 due to heart problems that darn near killed me on December 22. Everyday is a gift and I’m very thankful and fortunate.” Phil Kelly
"I am thankful for my family, friends and MTS, who gave me the chance to join the team.” Shawn Goodman.
"2020 has taught me to appreciate different aspects of my life. I am thankful for my team members, whose smiles and energy make coming to work fun everyday and the customers who trust us to help solve their problems. I am thankful for my family, friends, and health.” Tim Morris.
We’re sure most people will say they are thankful 2020 is almost over but it is important to find the silver lining in tough times. It is what keeps us going, what gives us faith. American author Wayne Dryer once said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” So change your view on 2020. Find the silver lining and you will come to realize you have many things to be thankful for this year.
Happy Thanksgiving from MTS!
Media Contact Information:
Megan Lazaga
Morris Technology Solutions
14400 Northbrook Dr, Suite 220
San Antonio TX 78232
Ph. 210-446-4175