Today is election day which means you have the power to vote to keep or change our president and other key officials. It is imperative to choose wisely; study your options, understand their platform, and decide for yourself who best aligns with your goals and values.
Every four years we participate in this process, but what if you had to wait every four years for a new Managed Service Provider (MSP)? What if you felt stuck with your MSP and you wish you could vote them out? Fortunately, most companies are not constrained by an election cycle to make a change, unless your contract has you “stuck” with an under-performing IT provider.
When you do want a new IT Service Provider (MSP), it is important to review your options with the same diligence as an election. At Morris Technology Solutions (MTS), we follow ITIL and believe in delivering value. To do so, first you have to understand your business goals and needs: and then seek out an IT provider to help your organization achieve its’ mission.
Matching services options to your needs is the core value for your organization. No more, no less. At MTS, we have a variety of options that provide service flexibility to match and scale your organization. Below are some of the service options we offer:
PC Workstations
Cloud services
Network services
Storage and backup services
Microsoft 365 Admin
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
24/7 Help desk coverage
It can be difficult and costly to find a firm with the right expertise, level of coverage and culture to support your critical business operations. It is important to get it right the first time.
If you are unhappy with your provider, you have the ability to vote them out and find the right fit. You don’t have to wait four years. So the next time you are in search of a new MSP, treat it like an election and research options for managed services. Our contracts allow you to ‘vote us out’ at any time. We are confident we will win your vote and business everyday!
Media Contact Information:
Megan Lazaga
Morris Technology Solutions
14400 Northbrook Dr, Suite 220
San Antonio TX 78232
Ph. 210-446-4175