At an early age, probably on the second rainy day in a row, my parents broke out the card table and dumped out the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. At first, this boy who loved the outdoors and loved to burn energy by running and playing, did not see the purpose in sitting down to create the picture that was already on the box.
Reluctantly, I began to flip all of the pieces face up, segregate the edge pieces, and connect the pieces of the puzzle together. Imagine my surprise when I realized that several hours had passed and I was diligently rebuilding the picture on the box, piece by piece. From this point on, I became fascinated with puzzles of all types; the more challenging, the better. A passion for puzzles changed my life.
As I reflect on the impact of that rainy day, I realize the importance of puzzles in general. From problem solving to process development; the basic steps are the same. I was surprised to discover that this passion could be used to help businesses make better decisions, that pieces of data scattered around in disparate systems could be integrated into a bigger and better picture to help drive business decisions. Imagine having all there is to know about your IT environment in a single picture; from a simple IT asset inventory to a fully integrated system with operational data like security, networks, monitoring, storage, and backups. Each piece of data helps to validate the other as the pieces come together.
It is critical to focus on only the missing pieces instead of trying to recreate a version of the picture every time a change is needed. Imagine how powerful it is to have all this valuable data available to drive your businesses' next big decision.
Donny Bailey has spent the last 25 years working with data and databases. Donny was instrumental in the design and development of a complex system to help outsource providers end customers forecast and manage consumption based IT around various resource units (ARC’s & RRC’s). Donny is also an avid fisherman!
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